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The Bioladies Network events are open to everyone who might be interested in the topics or benefit from the networking opportunities they provide.  Please therefore feel free to share the links below with any colleagues who might be interested.

We have now resumed in person events in the UK but still have a few online ones using Zoom. The Zoom link and meeting ID are contained in the email updates; please contact us if you need them. To attend the in person events, you will usually need to click on the event title to register on the Eventbrite site for tickets. Every event is open to all so please feel free to share links with colleagues who may be interested.

Next event

On Tuesday 1 October between 11:00 and 17:00 (drop in any time) at the University of Westminster in central London, we will be starting a new project. The Bioladies Collection: A Portfolio of Portraits Documenting the Bioladies Network will comprise a series of images which will be taken by BioLad Ram Shergill to document our wonderful members (BioLads and BioLadies) and sectors of the bioeconomy. Don’t miss your once in a lifetime opportunity to be snapped by our famous biolad. It will be highly enjoyable for those who can attend; those who cannot make it on that day will be informed of other dates for the project to continue the project. We look forward to seeing you! Please contact for further details and to confirm your attendance.

Later on Tuesday 1 October, also at the University of Westminster in central London, we will be holding a Mentoring workshop – please note that this has been postponed from 24 September. More details and tickets can be found on Eventbrite. Please do register and add it to your calendars so that you can find out why mentoring is important in all stages of study and career and then meet some of our more experienced Bioladies and lads and ask them any question for 5 minutes!

Future events

We had a planning meeting in January and have decided to restart the events around the UK and only have a few online events. We will not organise a conference this year. We have the following events planned but will be refining dates and venues and will keep you updated. Zoom details for the online events are in the newsletter. If you are in any of the locations of the in person events and can help or do a speaking slot, do get in touch.

  • Monday 7 October – online (19.00 UK time)
  • Monday 28 October6 to 9pm in Nottingham. Biolad Dr Chris Holland will talk about Learning from Nature: a users guide to Biomimetics and Iris will talk about the value of networking. This event is open to all so feel free to share the link. Please click here for further details and to register.
  • Friday 15 November –  Barcelona – details to be provided nearer the date!

Recent events

BIOCLUB: Norwich Monday 24 June
This was a joint event between the Bioladies network and the Earlham Institute. Many thanks to all those who supported and enabled this event to happen. Thank you to all speakers who committed their time including Liliya from Earlham Institute, James Brown from Pollybell Farm and Rebecca Wyand from UEA and shared with us their fascinating stories and projects.

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